
简介:Earl在自己的人生道路上多次选错了方向,现在又有一件可能改变自己命运的事情发生:他中了一小笔彩票奖金。在主现日后,他决心要让这种好运去改变自己的生活,将自己从错误的方向上纠正过来。   但是,在Earl的新生活开始之前,一些不幸的事情又不期而至:刚得知中奖后,他就被汽车撞了;更不幸的是,中奖的彩票不翼而飞。在医院的病床上,Earl无意看到了一个电视节目“与Carson Daly的最后一次通话”,Carson在节目中说他的成功是因为做好事而得到老天的回报,Earl顿悟,原来自己的霉运都是因果报应的结果。于是,Earl决定开始去弥补自己以往犯下的所有过失,他选择的第一个对象是小学时自己的作弄对象:书呆子Kenny   Earl的一群傻瓜朋友也加入了他的行动:他的倒霉兄弟Randy,非常性感的Catalina。Earl经常光顾的酒馆老板Even Darnell 给与他支持。但Earl的前妻Joy却无动于衷,除非她能得到什么好处。   不管Early的举动看上去有多么愚蠢,他却得到了意想不到的回报,这也是此剧创作者想告诉观众的一句老话:好人有好报!   Earl Hickey's life has been full of poor choices and mistakes, but after winning a small lottery jackpot he has an epiphany and vows to change his ways. Upon discovering that he is the holder of a winning ticket, Earl is hit by a car and the ticket blows out of his limp hand as he lies unconscious in the street. While recovering in the hospital and watching television, Earl has a karmic epiphany, thanks to Carson Daly, who attributes his success to doing good for others. A light bulb goes off in Earl's dim head and he sets out to right every wrong he has done starting with a grade school geek.…



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